Favorite quote:

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" –Albert Einstein

Thursday, 8 October 2009

My First Blog Post.

Welcome to my first blog post. I have been planning to start blogging for a long time, but I postponed it because I'm not really very good about this whole blogging things. Nevertheless, today I decided to start my own blog to share knowledge with you, specially research papers that I read. I will always try to write up on things that are of some interest to you. Meanwhile, congratulate me for making my first blog post. Finally I want to say “THANKS” to GOD then to all people around me who always support and encourage me. In addition to special “THANKS” to my friend and teammate “Ebeid”, he has helped me to choose my blog name. If you can’t choose your blog name ask him :)


  1. حظ موفق إن شاء الله

    لكني أحب لينُكس وأكره ويندُز

    جربي هذا www.linuxac.org

    أنا مراقب عام به

  2. Thank you too much omnia. You had a briliant mind and wonderful personality, just you need to unleash your spiritual power.

  3. Conrats Mony for this blog :) and welcoem to teh bloggers world :)
